NFL Jersey Tweaks: Browns

We’re back for more jersey tweaks folks. After a positive first showing last week, we are back with yet again another round of  Browns tweaks (like I said last week – We’re a Browns blog, what would you expect?) And remember  this is your chance to create a jersey and see it up so keep sending those tweaks to!!

Unlike last week we have a full set of helmets, jerseys, pants, and socks this week for your viewing pleasure.

Up first is the home brown jersey,  which features numerals on the helmet – which the team used in the late 50’s and early 60’s – and the tweaked jersey inspired by the Indianapolis Colts and UCLA Bruins (there’s a theme, they all draw from this inspiration). As well the jersey numerals are outlined in orange.

The away jersey retains the current helmet, where as the jersey is the white version of this set.  Also in this set is a pair of the brown pants, but with a tweak as well- stripes and the logo on the sides.

Last but not least, the  Butch Davis era alternate orange jersey, along with the infamous “football ‘B'” logo on a white helmet

And make sure to check back next week, as we will begin to feature our reader submitted tweaks.
