Want to Write for Dawg Pound Daily?


You have opinions about the Cleveland Browns, that much we know. At Dawg Pound Daily, we want those of you with the strongest opinions – and the best writing talent – to come let your voice be heard.

That’s right – we’re looking for more writers to fill out our staff.

We’re looking for any and all kinds of contributors. Love the NFL draft? Think you’ve got a unique perspective on the team? Do you somehow have Jimmy Haslam’s cell phone number and have been calling him nonstop for months and want to let people know about it? It doesn’t matter what it is – if it’s Browns-related, we want you to write about it.

However, we must say that we’d be especially interested in people who have ideas for weekly columns. We’re very open to any and all ideas in that department.

If you’re interested, be sure to contact us (and include a writing sample) at dawgpounddaily@gmail.com.