NFL Players Cite All-Important Swag in Disdain for New NFL Rule


A new safety-related NFL rule requires (kickers and punters) players to wear thigh and knee pads for the first time since 1994. While

some players believe it would impair their speed and agility, many other players appeared concerned with the possibility of a severe depletion of personal swag.

The Cleveland Browns’ Joe Haden and Greg Little were particularly vocal about the change, and appear willing to incur fines in the name of swag and fashion.

"“I’m definitely not wearing pads,” [Little] said. “It’s just a swag thing. If you don’t feel good, you’re not gonna play good.”“I don’t do anything on my legs because you don’t need it,” [Haden] said. “It’s about being quicker and it’s a look thing. It just looks smoother when you got nothing beneath your pants.”"

The NFL is doing all it can in order to increase safety, though a lack of knee and thigh pads is hardly the worst offender on the list of things to be improved.

And to deny players their swag? It’s criminal.
