Cleveland Browns running back Isaiah Crowell’s experience in dealing with his own controversy can be a guide for Colin Kaepernick to follow.
It was not that long ago that Cleveland Browns running back Isaiah Crowell was embroiled in a controversy over perceived police brutality. The way Crowell handled his controversy provides insight into the Colin Kaepernick controversy. Kaepernick should follow Crowell’s lead if he truly wants to make a difference for oppressed minorities in the United States.
When injustice occurs in the world, what is the best way to make a change? Although this question may sound overtly philosophical and abstract, it strikes at the heart of recent controversies surrounding Crowell and Kaepernick.
Crowell perceived injustice in the world over the killing of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota by white police officers. In what he described as a moment of “outrage” that left him “upset,” Crowell posted a picture of a police officer having his throat slit on his Instagram account.
Related: Should Isaiah Crowell be punished?
It should be noted that Crowell posted the image before the Dallas sniper shootings killing five police officers.
Kaepernick also perceived injustice in the world, stating that he believes the “Cops are getting paid leave for killing people.”
This has led him to the position that the American flag, which he believes represents freedom and justice for all, flies over a country in which not all people are free. Kaepernick refuses to stand for the national anthem because he believes there needs to be change in the way America treats minorities.
At the core issue, Crowell and Kaepernick’s positions are aligned. Both perceive a problem with police brutality against minorities, want to make a difference, and want it stopped.
Where they differ, however, is how they dealt with the aftermath of their respective controversies.
Next: Dealing with Controversy