According to this MSNBC article, the Titans and Colts could have possibly had an agreement at the end of Sunday night’s regular season finale (and the Super Bowl for every Colts player wasting away on the practice squad). Basically, the Titans kneeled at the end of the game, securing the win, because they knew the Colts wouldn’t call a timeout to, you know, try and give the current bane of Cleveland’s existence, QB Jim Sorgi, a chance for one more heave towards the end zone. There may have been some agreement between Tony Dungy and Jeff Fisher that involved Dungy essentially promising not to call a timeout on the Titans. Thus, a clamor in Cleveland is born.
Does this mean there was a conspiracy afoot in that game? If the Browns file a grievance, will the NFL remove the Colts from the playoffs and put the Browns in their place? Are we all on some psychedelic drugs that I don’t know about? Even if this was the case, it wouldn’t matter because nothing would happen. Could you imagine that, though?
“Um, sorry Peyton, but, uh, we kind of have to kick you out of the playoffs for your coach ‘not playing to win.'”
Peyton Manning then shoves a spear in that person’s face, and the Colts stay in the playoffs. See? Nothing would happen.