– I cannot believe people are giving Brady Quinn a free pass on his comments. Yes, it is old news and it is over and done with. But what I cannot get out of my mind is this notion of “I call my friends faggots all the time, so who cares?” Society has a long way to go to achieving tolerance. And Brady Quinn may very well be a nice guy, but that doesn’t make what was essentially harassment any better. However, he is denying that he had anything to do with what happened that night, so who knows how it really went down.
– How do you feel about paying top dollar to see players who couldn’t cut it in the NFL and, in some cases, leagues like the AFL?
– Here is the concern over Kellen Winslow’s December production. Also, at the end of this article, there is a fair verbal reprimand for Winslow, Jr.
– Another Browns quarterback is in some trouble – this time it’s former QB Josh Booty. Hint: “Don’t tase me, bro!”
– AFC North needs that must be addressed in the offseason. In no way do I agree that finding another wide receiver is more of a priority than improving the defensive line.
– Derek Anderson labeled as “overrated.”
– Simon Fraser of the defensive line is looking to find more playing time in another city, unfortunately.
And on a non-Browns note, the New England Patriots won Super Bowl XLII and finished 19-0!