Hey ESPN: How do You Define Affordability?

Thanks to Steve, we have learned of ESPN’s 2009 Ultimate Team Standings.  After you choke on your morning biscuit seeing the Browns ranked 114th of 122 professional sports teams and 4th from the bottom among NFL teams, you might be wondering how ESPN defines “affordability”.  I sure am.


The above link is just one of many current sources which establish that the Browns have the second lowest average ticket price in the entire NFL – only the Bills are cheaper.  Having been to both stadiums several times (my delusional friend is a Bills season ticket holder and insists on dragging me along to repay me for the Browns games that I take him to only when nobody else wants to go), I can say unequivocally that the prices of other items at Orchard Park (like concessions and merchandise) are similar to Cleveland Browns Stadium.  Thus, common sense would dictate that the Browns would rank close behind the Bills in terms of affordability.

Well…so much for common sense.  The Bills ranked 91st overall and 7th in terms of affordability.  The Browns ranked 95th in affordability.  I have reviewed the methodology and the description of each category used by ESPN, and I am left puzzled at how that can be.  It makes me question the legitimacy of the standings generally.

In terms of Stallworth, I hear that he also had a Playboy in the back seat of his Bentley.  Maybe Goodell will tack on another year or so for that transgression.  Enough said.

Go Browns!

