Despite the previous assertions that quarterback Colt McCoy would be spending the 2010 season on the sidelines, president Mike Holmgren has retracted a bit, saying “if he’s the guy, he plays.” That’s not to say that the Browns are looking for the first opportunity to stick McCoy in there, but it might be hard to hold him back if the team tanks this season.
Even if the season is a disaster, I’m not sure that’s the best situation to put McCoy in, either. Sure, he’ll learn the pace of an NFL game while getting his feet wet in being utterly destroyed by opposing defenses, but lost seasons are hard situations to enter. The fans are disillusioned and, in some cases, a team might simply be going through the motions. It’s certainly happened to the Browns before, the exception being last season.
Then again, maybe there is too much emphasis on when exactly a quarterback should start. Each case is unique, and there shouldn’t be these attempts at general guidelines to when a quarterback should finally start. If a guy is ready, he’s ready.