A Big Thanks to All Involved in Blogs with Balls 3

This past weekend, I had the privilege to attend the Blogs with Balls 3 sports blogging conference in Chicago. I had the chance to meet and hang out with many people involved in the sports blogging community, and it was an absolute blast. If you are currently a sports blogger or you have aspirations that involve becoming one, Blogs with Balls is not an event to be missed.

The FanSided crew was well represented at the event, with Mike (Bears), Jeff (Blackahwks & College Director), Nate (Angels), and Matt (Bulls) making the trip in addition to our fearless leaders, Adam and Zach. Big thanks to everyone associated with Blogs with Balls and to those I had a chance to speak to, including, but not limited to: Kyle Bunch (Modern Hombre), Jon Greenberg (ESPN Chicago), Valli Hilaire (Fast & Fabulous), Kevin Kaduk (Big League Stew), Spencer Hall (EDSBS, SB Nation), David Jacoby (ESPN, Sports Guy Podcast), Dave Nemetz (Bleacher Report), and Peter Pattakos, the head writer of the great Cleveland Frowns blog.

It was a great weekend, and – more good news – if you did miss out on the conference, you can check out all the video of it here: http://www.justin.tv/blogswithballs/videos.

Also, be sure to check out the main page of Blogs with Balls for all the information you can handle. You’ll be glad you did.
