Browns Reach Settlement with Former WR Joe Jurevicius

It’s a shame that the story of a hometown guy who came back to play on his hometown team had to end like this, but so it goes for the Cleveland Browns since their less-than-triumphant return to the NFL in 1999. Former wide receiver Joe Jurevicius is one of six Browns players to contract a staph infection between 2003 and 2008, but he was the only one to take the team to court. The wide receiver stated that the medical staff did not sterilize the Berea facility properly and with the amount of players contracting staph in that time, he might have a point.

After contracting the staph infection in January of 2008, Jurevicius was unable to make it back onto the field for the Browns and after being released by the team in March of 2009, has yet to play for anyone else.

Jurevicius and the team have agreed to a confidential out-of-court settlement.
