Braylon Edwards Looking Forward to Game Against Cleveland Browns

In a recent interview with the Detroit Free Press, former scUM and Browns WR Braylon Edwards told the reporter that he’s got two games already circled on his calendar, the first being the November 7th match-up against the Lions:

"I’m excited to play back home.  It’ll be fun because I have so much family here that supports me.  So I can’t wait for them to get a chance to come to the game."

Fair enough, right? Well, it gets better, because as we all know Braylon just doesn’t know when to shut up.

"Seven days later is the game I’m worried about, we go to Cleveland.  You know I’ve got a little chip on my shoulder the size of the golden nugget.  So I can’t wait to go out there."

Well, maybe that golden nugget-sized chip has something to do with all drops Braylon tends to accumulate every season.
