Ejected From an NFL Game? Get Ready to Take a Class and Pass a Conduct Test

If you’re typically an unruly fan at NFL games, you might want to start brushing up on your test-taking skills. As a way to curb the bad

(often drunken) behavior that takes place at football games, the league is requiring fans booted from games to now complete, at most, a $75 four-hour online class and pass a code-of-conduct test before being readmitted.

These requirements will vary from stadium to stadium, but every team is at least implementing some version of the conduct test required for readmittance. For fans that choose not to take the online class or code-of-conduct test, they will essentially be placed on an “unforgiven” list.

In addition to the class, fans must get at least 70 percent of the test questions correct in order to pass.

Think this is something that will be good for Cleveland Browns Stadium? Will this take away from the atmosphere of games?

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