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Browns RB Trent Richardson Has No Plans to Talk to Jim Brown


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Jim Brown is arguably the greatest running back to ever play the game, and he is certainly entitled to his opinions, especially when it comes to the position that he dominated. But he has drawn plenty of criticism for calling Browns running back Trent Richardson “ordinary,” which has come off as a bitter way of getting back at the organization that relieved him of his duties as an advisor a few years ago.

Luckily, none of Brown’s remarks have bothered Richardson. In fact, he’s using them as motivation to prove Brown – and any other potential doubters he has – wrong.

“He has his own thoughts. That’s him being him,” Richardson told “I have no problem with it. I just wish the best of luck for him whatever he’s doing in life.”

It was a good move for Richardson to take the high road – it’s the quickest way to ensure this story fades into obscurity. More so, it’s a way to keep Jim Brown’s negative comments about the team out of the limelight. While the organization says it welcomes Brown “with open arms,” keeping its distance might be the best option at this point.