Browns’ 2013 Preseason Schedule Released: The Great Lakes Classic Lives On!
The NFL is running quite a business, isn’t it? Only this league can drum up a rabid response to four meaningless games that represent about a tenth of the quality seen in actual regular season action.
But hey, here is the Browns’ 2013 preseason schedule anyway – get pumped!
Rams @ Browns (August 8-11)
Lions @ Browns (August 15-19)
Browns @ Colts (August 22-25)
Browns @ Bears (August 29-30)
The most notable thing about this year’s schedule is that the Great Lakes Classic – the vaunted preseason battle between the Lions and Browns – remains intact. Who will walk away with the Barge this season?
Also, it’s always worth noting the fourth preseason “game,” which will be a time where you desperately wish the NFL would do away with four preseason games. This is when you will question why you’re even watching the game at all. This is when the actual season will still feel like a thousand years away.
But it will arrive eventually, or so we all have to hope and believe. After all, it’s the only way to survive four preseason football games.