Browns Chudzinski: We may not yet know the name of Sunday’s quarterback

Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

In an interview aired during the Cleveland Browns Daily radio show today, Cleveland Browns Head Coach Rob Chudzinski admitted that Sunday’s quarterback might not be on the team yet.

Show host Vic Carucci asked Chud how he will manage the quarterback position with the recent concussions suffered by Jason Campbell and Brandon Weeden.  “Well there’s multiple scenarios we have to be ready for,” Chud commented.  Sunday’s starter against the New England Patriots could possibly be Campbell or Weededn, depending on how successfully either one moves through the NFL concussion protocols.  It might also be new hire Alex Tanney who joined the team last week.  “Or potentially another guy who is not on the team right now,” continued Chud.  “All those possibilities are still alive.”

Carucci then followed up: “You just said something that sticks with me.  You may have a quarterback that you don’t even know his name yet, be your starter for Sunday’s game against New England?  That’s a real possibility?”

“It is.  It is, and, uhh, you can’t do anything about that other than move forward, and that’s what we talked to the team about.  It is the situation, and we have to adjust and we have to deal with that and go forward and whoever that is…again…get him ready ready and put him in the best position to help us win.”

Jason Campbell received a concussion on November 24 during the game against Pittsburgh.  Brandon Weeden was diagnosed with a concussion after Sunday’s 28-32 loss to Jacksonville.  Campbell was cleared for activity today, but not practice.  Weededn was sent home after he reported for work this morning.  And Tanney…he hasn’t even been in town a full week yet.

The quarterback position in Cleveland continues to confound the team.  Earlier in the season, they thought they might have a solution with Brian Hoyer, but he went down with a torn ACL against Buffalo back in Week Five.  Jason Campbell stepped in for a troubled Weeden, but was only able to win one against Baltimore.  Now, we’re not sure who’s starting on Sunday.  If it’s not Weededn, it will be the sixth change at quarterback this season.

From Chud’s comments we can assume one thing.  The front office is looking outside of the locker room for a new quarterback.  That’s good, but why didn’t they do so last month, or in October?  I’m glad they’re searching for another QB, but it might be a little too late for this season.
