AFC North Versus AFC South (We Need Your Votes)


As you have seen we have created an ALL AFC North team to do battle versus the rest of the NFL Divisions. We drew the ALL AFC South team and the votes will decide who wins. Whichever division wins the vote moves on to the next round. The AFC North is loaded at receiver, offensive line and their front 3. A little weak in the back end and at QB but overall a stellar team that can compete with anyone. The South as a fearsome defensive front 7 along with Andrew Luck at QB. The offensive line is good, not great, and their defensive backfield is somewhat weak. The official write up is here. Take a look at the rosters and vote at the bottom:

So who wins?

[polldaddy poll=”8196733″]

Voting ends tonight. If the North marches on we will get the new opponent up to you quickly