Hulk Hogan Cuts NWO Style Promo on Johnny Manziel & Mike Pettine


Hulk Hogan recently had his birthday party on WWE Raw. Today he is on SportsNation and he and Michelle Beadle are calling out Mike Pettine on his handling of Johnny Manziel. It is another sign how Manziel’s presence with the Cleveland Browns will bring a ton of attention the team’s way:

Similar to the Roman Reigns promo earlier in the week, it is all fun and games.

Yet while they seem to be having fun, the idea that the national media wants the Browns to start Manziel is obvious. Beadle calls Brian Hoyer “some skinny guy.” While the media may not have the power to make the decision for the Browns, the pressure they can put on the team might get unbearable.

Even today Pettine noted that he is hoping he gets 90% less questions about the QB situation after he names his starter on Tuesday. Unlikely, but a sign that he may be annoyed by the on going questions.

Even if Hoyer wins the job, any struggle from him will draw more attention to Manziel on the bench. This would be especially true with the difficult opening games for the Browns. Games against the Steelers, Saints and Ravens could cause for a difficult start and many, many Johnny chants, like these from the NFL Draft night that I shot video of:

How do you feel about the attention that Manziel has brought to the team?