Johnny Manziel’s New Persona: Johnny Jam Boogie

Johnny Manziel may not be the Cleveland Browns starting quarterback but he is for the Browns most marketable player. While the entire Josh Gordon saga continues to play out, Manziel’s new endorsement commercial was released. Snickers has the NFL’s new fun child in their commercial. Needless to say it is funny and shows a different side of Manziel:

The commercial shows that Manziel isn’t afraid of doing, appropriate, silly things. Takes a ton of guts to wear that get up on national TV.

What will be even more interesting is how opponents use this commercial against Manziel if and when he gets into an NFL game. Can you imagine a player, after sacking Manziel, getting up to doing some “arm circle things” into the Money Manziel gesture. Or going into “Whose got a pelvis?” move and likely getting a flag.

My two favorite parts are “Now do this” with the butterfly move leading to “What’s my name? Johnny Jam Boogie!”

Not sure who old number 96, “Sandler”, is but would of been nice if another Browns player would of been given a little love in the commercial. Donte Whitner, Joe Haden and others would of been a nice touch in that role.

I am also very sure that there will be tons of “Josh Gordon gets the munchies and gets Snickers from Johnny Manziel” jokes floating around soon. We look forward to all the creative ways screen shots from this video will be used. Share yours below in the comment section.
