Leon McFadden First Non-Surprise Cut of the Day


The Cleveland Browns have made a ton of moves today, and still have more to go, to get to the 53 man requirement. All of the cuts so far have been a surprise, some mild some more so. Leon McFadden being cut is not a surprise to many.

McFadden was a 3rd round pick in 2013 and struggled last season as well as during the pre-season. His spot was in jeopardy the minute Mike Pettine was hired as the head coach. McFadden’s size doesn’t fit Pettine’s desired size for the position. To be fair even if McFadden was bigger he wasn’t very good during his time with the Browns.

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A good sign for Aaron Berry, who struggled with injuries much of camp but the front office and coaching staff seemed to have high hopes for him. Berry could still get cut and is at risk when the Browns claim any waiver players or signed any cut.

The Browns are now left with only 2 players from the previous year’s draft. Some of that is due to trading out of picks but poor drafting is clear under Joe Banner and Mike Lombardi. Barkevious Mingo and Armonty Bryant should still around for a long while though. Two starters from a draft isn’t terrible, two starters and nothing else is terrible.

McFadden could make it to the Browns practice squad based on the new rules but it is doubtful they would be overly interested in doing so. The New England Patriots, who employ Lombardi now, could be a spot for him.

How upset at Banner and Lombardi knowing only 2 are left from the 2013 draft?