Machine Gun Kelly to Perform at Browns/Saints Halftime


The Cleveland Browns have attempted to make their games much better for the fans. While putting a winning team on the field is the best way to do so, the team has also focused on trying to make the stadium environment more entertaining. With that in mind Cleveland’s own Machine Gun Kelly will be performing at halftime of the Browns versus New Orleans Saints game this Sunday. Kelly himself announced it via Twitter:

Kelly has been involved with Cleveland Cavaliers productions before as well as attending an NBA Draft Lottery with owner Dan Gilbert. He has a unique style and look that draws many young fans to him.

He also announced that he would be playing a song he especially remixed for the Cleveland Browns. He shared it on Twitter and You Tube so fans can learn the words and sing along with him:

So it is time for you to start memorizing your lines for Sunday and get excited about an upbeat, loud show at halftime. Given that regular season halftimes are much shorter it is likely he will play a song or two before being done.

What do you think of this decision by the Browns to bring in local artist MGK?