Today We Are All Browns Fans


This article’s title was all ready to go Friday evening. It fit, all ready to go and spoke clearly of what the article was about. Then this morning Michelle Beadle had to go and tweet the exact title:

She is right. Today, unless you live in or are a fan of Baltimore, everyone is a Browns fan. Even some Ravens fans may be Browns fans today. They may want to see the organization “Get what is coming to them.”

This is more true than any other time during this horrible Ray Rice saga. We were all fans of him getting suspended, especially when the punishment finally fit the crime later in the process. But the vitriol toward the Ravens organization has hit a all time high since the publication of the ESPN Outside the Lines article:

"For its part, the NFL — which in other player discipline cases has been able to obtain information that’s been sealed by court order — took an uncharacteristically passive approach when it came to gathering evidence, opening itself up to widespread criticism, allegations of inconsistent approaches to player discipline and questions about whether Goodell gave Rice — the corporate face of the Baltimore franchise — a light punishment as a favor to his good friend Bisciotti. Four sources said Ravens executives, including Bisciotti, Cass and Newsome, urged Goodell and other league executives to give Rice no more than a two-game suspension, and that’s what Goodell did on July 24."

So today, for maybe the first time in the team’s history the Browns are the fan favorite. An organization that would go through all the trouble to cover up, minimize and a ton of other descriptive words related to this horrible event is not on the top of anyone’s rooting order.

I have received tweets, comments and FB messages even from Bengal and Steelers fans who are rooting hard for us today.

Embrace it Cleveland. Embrace that the hate for once is pointed in a different direction. For those of you at the game, embrace the passion and unleash it on the Ravens, no matter what the score.

While very different, I expect the crowd to have similar energy towards the Ravens as Cavs fans had when LeBron James played for the Heat in Cleveland.

Dawg Pound – Sic’ Em Boys!

Today We Are All Browns Fans!