Johnny Manziel’s Rock this League Cartoon


It was the night before a big day. Johnny Manziel day. Many struggled to sleep. Many got up early and took to Twitter and social media to share their excitement. Some prepared for what is bound to be some very energetic, loud and alcohol filled tailgating.

And the Plain Dealer gave us a wonderful Johnny Manziel cartoon to start our day, as tweeted out this morning by’s own Aditi Kinkhabwala:

The PD does a great job of combining Manziel’s reported “Wreck this league” quote, the exact words between he and quarterback coach Dowell Loggains has been disputed a bit, and the history of Cleveland the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Aditi noted that the hair makes it look like Manziel is old, and those noes and ears are straight out of a Cedar Point midway caricature.

But the sentiment is noted: Johnny Manziel’s first start has the NFL on their ear, excited for what might be and hoping to be “rocked” if not “wrecked” today.

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The coverage of the Cleveland Browns game today has tripled nationwide. Those who do not have rooting interest in other games, and some who do, will be tuning in to see what Johnny Football does today. Most, like NASCAR or NHL passer-bys, want to see a car-wreck of some kind. Either Manziel flying all over the place and making plays or him imploding and looking terrible. Casual fans will tune in for this game.

At least for now the Cleveland Browns are the center of the NFL once again, this time due to the hope that Johnny Manziel brings. Like the cartoon says, let us hope he and the Browns “Rock this League” and it starts today.

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