Cleveland Browns: Join the Dawg Pound Daily pick’em pool today

(Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jason Miller/Getty Images)

The Cleveland Browns play a regular season game in less than two weeks, and we want to see how well our readers can predict NFL games.

Hello Cleveland Browns fans!

Another football season is upon us and fantasy sports are right around the corner. Dawg Pound Daily has opened up a pick’em pool through for the 2017 season and we would like you to be a part of it.

This is an opportunity for us, and our fans to get a chance to interact with each other in a fun, competitive way. There will be a weekly article outlining the current season standings, as well as best/worst records of the week, and predictions for locks, upsets and the Browns game itself.

Here are the rules:

Scoring:• Pool includes all NFL games.
• Ties go to player with closest total points for MNF game.
• Players who do not make picks will receive 0 points for the week.
Deadline:• All games will lock one hour before the scheduled start of the day’s first game. For example, if there is a Thursday night game and a member did not make a selection, they would still be able to make selections for the remaining games. Please note – pool member’s selections will only be displayed in the ‘View All’ picks section for games that have locked.
Finances:• $0 entry fee.

Sign up here: Dawg Pound Daily Pick’Em Pool

Steven and I have talked about this on the Dawg Pound Daily Podcast, and we are really excited to open this up to the fans because you all are the reason sites like Dawg Pound Daily are able to be successful.

If you have any questions about the pick’em pool, or if you want to ask a question you want us to answer on the podcast, shoot me an email at and we will answer it in the Dawg Pound Daily Fan Mailbag segment on the podcast.

Next: DPD Podcast Episode 20

Let the competition begin!
