Report: NFL Players Agree to New Marijuana Levels: 20 Players to Return


The Josh Gordon saga does not have an end in sight in relation to a day or time, but possibly an outcome. Key word is possible. Ed Werder reported on ESPN that the NFL Players have agreed to the new marijuana testing levels and that 20 players could return immediately:

While this could benefit Gordon, there is little information whether that group of 20 includes him or not.

As we shared earlier today some key wording will decide whether Gordon returns or not. If the new drug policy states that anyone suspended in the 2014 league year is under the new policy than Gordon will be fine. If the policy states anyone testing positive in the 2014 league year will be under the league policy than Gordon will likely stay suspended.

As it is with any negotiations, and was before Gordon was suspended the first time, all of this is speculation at some level. Werder’s source may not have every piece of information. The final write up could also be changed in a variety of ways during the negotiations.

Since the NFLPA is on the players side, and has leverage given the current PR nightmare the NFL is going through, they will likely seek the most player beneficial writing of the policy as possible. The NFL will have to decide if they want to put their foot down and argue over a few players or to let it slide as a good look for the league.

We hope to have something finalized tonight but anything is possible.

Which way do you think things are leaning?