Daily Dawg Tags: Trade market for Johnny?

Spanning the virtual globe to bring you the latest news about the Cleveland Browns and the NFL – these are your Daily Dawg Tags for Friday, Dec. 4.

Cleveland Browns:

Multiple teams reportedly interested in Johnny Manziel

"As hard as it may be to believe, there could be teams lining up to help relieve the Cleveland Browns of their Johnny Manziel problem once the 2015 NFL season comes to a close."

DPD bettor’s guide to the NFL – Week 13

"Only one game jumps off the board, screaming “bet me” in Week 13 – and you won’t believe which one it is."

Browns right to discipline Johnny Manziel (FanDuel Insider)

"Johnny Manziel has made his own bed, now he needs to lie in it. Lying, of course, is what has gotten the Cleveland Browns quarterback to this point. Manziel is, according to many NFL decision makers, quite the accomplished liar. Around the NFL, multiple scouts and decision makers feel burned because they believed in Manziel through the draft process only a few short years ago. They were sold a bill of goods by a “changed man,” and every single indiscretion, debauchery caught on tape or further spiral toward rock bottom is a reminder of how wrong they were about a young man who just doesn’t seem to get it."

Johnny Manziel’s problem isn’t partying, it’s saying he doesn’t want to (The Guardian)

"Johnny Manziel is a liar. Manziel messed up. He blew it. So while he’s not the Browns starting quarterback, he’s still very much a Cleveland Brown."

Alex Mack voted Browns 2015 Ed Block Courage Award recipient (clevelandbrowns.com)

"Alex Mack has been chosen by his teammates to receive the 2015 Ed Block Courage Award. The Ed Block Courage Award is given annually to a member of each of the 32 NFL teams who exemplifies the qualities of Ed Block, the former head athletic trainer of the Baltimore Colts, based on courage, compassion, commitment and community. All 32 winners will be honored at an event in Baltimore this offseason."

Joe Haden, Andrew Hawkins candidates for injured reserve (ohio.com)

"Browns head coach Mike Pettine revealed Thursday he expects the organization to consider placing cornerback Joe Haden and wide receiver Andrew Hawkins on injured reserve with concussions."

NFL News:

Packers do the unthinkable in defeating Detroit (Lombardi Avenue)

"In one of the most incredible finishes I have ever witnessed, the Green Bay Packers did the unthinkable on Thursday night to beat the Detroit Lions 27-23."

Rams may need to reach for a QB in the 2016 draft (Ramblin’ Fan)

"If there’s one thing the St. Louis Rams need for Christmas this year, it’s a competent, talented quarterback."

10 names next in line to be NFL head coaches (ESPN)

"Going back to the turn of the century, NFL teams have fired an average of 6.9 head coaches per season. In each of the past three years, they have fired seven. The number figures to be right in that range, give or take two or three, which means teams will be scrambling to hire the best coaches and minds out there. Based on multiple conversations with people around the league, here is a list of 10 alphabetized names likely to be on the shopping lists of any team in the market for a new head coach this winter."
